I’ve had an iPhone for more that a year and a half. I waited in line at an AT&T store the at the mall in Capitola in Santa Cruz, CA in June of 2007 to get the first iPhone. I love my iPhone, and I’ve been generally happy with it since I’ve had it. Sure, there a f ew things here and there that I would change; I’d like better email service, and there should be a landscape keyboard available in every app, but on the whole it’s one of the best devices I’ve ever owned. Everything was grand, until recently.
In the last 2 or 3 months, I’ve had trouble talking on the phone. Specifically if I just hold the phone to my face, sans bluetooth or headset (you know, like a normal phone) then people on the other end can’t hear me. It’s an issue for me when my phone doesn’t let me talk to other people. I went to my local Apple store and asked about getting it serviced. They don’t do servicing. If it’s outside of warranty (which mine is) then I can do one of three things:
- Deal with it
- Buy a new 3G phone
- Pay $200 and they’ll give me a brand new (or refurbished) phone of the same type
- Full size (and quality) screen, comparable to the iPhone
- Multiple nav options (touchscreen, roly ball, keyboard)
- Full QWERTY keyboard – that’s RAD!
- Google branding and software – that’s a nice, reliable, comfortable thought
- It’s new – always fun
- Let’s me push back emotionally against the Mac Fan-Boy feeling I sometimes have (I don’t like feeling like a super-devotee to anyone)
- It’s on T-Mobie – some people count this as a negative, but I’ve found T-Mobile to be very reliable in my home and work place, and they have the best customer servicve that I’ve ever encountered in a mobile carrier
- 3MP camera – this is a nice upgrade from the 2MP camera on the iPhone, and I’m hopeful that they’ll come out with a video-recording application, which Apple steadfastly refuses to do (or allow)
- The phone freezes up sometimes – apps can take 7-10 seconds to load
- Email pull is actually slower than the iPhone, and I was hoping for an improvement
- The SMS interface (and the email interface) just doesn’t compare with the iPhone
- It’s a handsome device, but the quality / heft / experience of holding it and using it just isn’t as nice as the aluminum backing on my iPhone
- As a media player (music and video) it just doesn’t come close
iPhone vs. Google Phone on 12seconds.tv
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