My favorite pizza spot in San Francisco has a CCTV (closed circuit television) which I don’t mind. While I’m waiting for my pizza I look at the TV monitor which is facing right back down at me so I can watch myself wait. But, lots of people have issues with CCTV, especially when it’s monitoring public spaces. Often you are being watched and you don’t even know it. But, then there is iSee, a site which keeps dibs on all CCTV’s in urban areas and plans out a route for you to get to your destination unnoticed.
Overreaction, perhaps. Well, definitely. But what really interests me is that this information is on the web. Lets say I decide to restart the mafia. I can go online and mastermind a bank robbery without ever being seen, at least on the street. I doubt there is info on the web showing me how to avoid the CCTV’s in the bank. Oh well, scrawny geeks were never meant for crime anyways.