Well, ok, it’s still HERE, but it’s lying inert over there in the jumble of crud cluttering my desk. Sadly, it ran out of batteries this morning. Now, of course, under normal circumstances something so trivial would be no roadblock; plug it in, let it suck up some electric love for a bit, and all is well. Unfortunately my charger is in San Francisco where I forgot it over the weekend and I can’t seem to find anyone on campus with a compatible one for me to borrow.
You silly old Nokia phone, you. Why aren’t you a Razr or an LG? Then there would be plenty of hip and trendy chargers just waiting to zip you up!!
Now, now, don’t get me wrong. I love my phone and it has served me well. It’s just frustrating when people say, “Oh, my MOM has that kind, or at least she did. I bet she still has the charger…[in LA.]” NO MY PHONE DOESN’T TAKE PICTURES SORRY! I have a digicam for that. Ah well…
The thing that really gets me is how lonely and disconnected I feel. And how frustrating it is! I think to myself, “Oh I should really call the health center to cancel that appointment,” but OH–not happening. I think to myself, “Hmm, maybe I will call so ‘n so to see if they want to hit the dining hall with me,” but OH again–so not happening. I can’t call my mom, or my boyfriend, or anyone. It’s the only phone I’ve got.
Surprisingly, even though I can e-mail all of those people perfectly well, I still have this feeling that the world is not right. There’s just some function lacking in my life if my cell’s screen is dead. I’ll continue to ask around for a charger, but if all else fails I’ll have mine back by Saturday at the latest. Just feels like so far away…
Funny enough, the battery for my primary phone (LG flip-phone) is dying quickly so while I’m not in quite the same position, I’ve found myself having MUCH shorter calls to make sure I get through the day.
Which means anyone who gets a long call from me is, I guess, cellworthy…
you have GOT to start eating. I think your sugars are low or something, nobody thinks that the phone connects them to the world!
buy a paygo, get a free AC adaptor, flip the paygo