Where else can one go to purchase a soccer ball, hammer, socks, pet fish, the newest Lego set, and get their eyes examined for a new prescription? Wal-Mart –they have everything.
Wal-Mart has a new system in place for music lovers on the net. It’s Wal-Mart’s version of the iTunes music store. I gave it a whirl and started adding songs to my personal compilation when I came across a Tim McGraw title marked ‘Wal-Mart Exclusive’. I wonder if he recorded it inside an actual Wal-Mart?
The selection is 500,000 songs strong. Out of pocket you pay 4.62 for a CD shipped to your house with three songs on it, $0.88 additional will turn your three song CD into a Four (limit 20 songs: $19.58). Wal-Mart does have everything.
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