I didn’t believe this when I read it on FutureFeeder, but after tracing it back to the Molecular Media Project and other related sites I have to take it as truth.
Apparently they are using nanotechnology to alter CD’s ever so slightly, changing the sound and giving it more, lets call it richness. Your first thought is: I can grow mold on my CD and do the same thing, right.
Well yes, you can grow mold on your CD (I suggest spilling milk on them), but that would ruin the CD’s. What the Molecular Media Project is doing alters the CD’s at such a small scale the music itself stays in tack, with only slight changes that alter the sound in such a way that you might think you are on drugs. Check out a whole list of MP3’s or images that have been modified at the micro level with fungus spores and other nonmaterial to give them that extra hint of flavor.