Nicholas Cage, Standley Goodspeed, in one of my favorite movies, The Rock said this when asked about VX poison gas:
It’s very, very horrible sir. It’s one of those things we wish we could disinvent. This isn’t a training exercise, is it?
This quote came to mind when I saw the Oakley/Motorola RAZRWIRE Bluetooth Eyeware. After puking in the back of my mouth a bit, I reassessed the situation and still had to put this product into our ‘That’s Janky’ category. Just imagine walking around outside, talking on your phone with that girl who you’ve had a crush on since 10th grade with your new RAZRWIRE glasses/headset. Once you pass thru the doors, you realize that the $300.00 sunglasses are too dark for you to see indoors. So take them off just to miss her say “I’ve always been in love with you, tell me you love me too!” So you’ve lost the love of your life, you look like an idiot in doing so with goofy glasses, and you’ve been chumped out of 300 bucks.