Ahoy catz! I’m Emily. Not much to say, but I thought I’d put in a couple lines advertising my appearance as seems to be the trend. I’m not as tech-savvy as I’d like. My take on this stuff will be much more average consumer perspective. I’m not sure if any of my musings are tech-minded enough to appear here, but when they are, I’ll certainly share.
Actually, I just finished watching Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence. Roooooobots. Not sure I knew what was going on most of the time, but the CG was very polished. Obviously we’re quite a ways off from “gyroids” or “sexaroids” or even androids. Not up to cyborgs yet either, but there are some people doing interesting things with/to their bodies. Does anyone read Questionable Content? When can I have a Pintsize of my very own? *sigh*