This booth was made just for me. I turned off WiFi in the house when my wife was pregnant with our son, and have been known to give rants about how cell phones are the cigarettes of our day. This booth is dedicated to gadgets that tell you whether your cell phone gives off too much radiation, your house is too close to an electro-magnetic field (EMF), and even rating the UV if you’re outside. I also love the fact that this booth’s signage is made on hand-written 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper. Check out how well my relic of a phone (Treo 600) does against Jeremy’s skinit’ed LG VX6100.
For those of you who get a little inspired to learn more about cell phone radiation: CNet has a chart on cell phone radiation levels, the US FDA has a report, TechDirt finds that 20 minutes of a cell phone equals one year of Wifi exposure, and there is a cell phone safety blog you can read.