Ah, Apple punditry, rumors, and speculation. And back into TV land we go. Today from Forbes:
Wedge Partners analyst Brian Blair this morning asserted in a research note that that the next version of the iMac, likely in the 2012 first half, will include some new TV functionality – basically, turning the desktop Mac into a bridge to a full-fledged television business.
This, plus another analyst who seems to know the exact sizes of the new long-awaited Apple Televisions is certainly fun reading. But what parts make sense?
iMac + Apple TV?
Yep, makes sense. After all, we’ve had Front Row in Macs for a long time now, it’s way overdue for an update, and having it function identically to Apple TV is a nice fit. I’m buying this one.
iMac + Apple Television (aka iTelevision)?
To be a “television” a product, for the most part, includes a buit-in TV tuner. It also has multiple inputs, and has all sorts of requirements/parameters for video display. These components are effectively inconsequential to add, cost-wise to an iMac, so from a pure “could they build it feasibly” perspective, this actually passes a sniff test.
However, what is this new product? Is it a big computer “Now, from Apple, a 46″ iMac that you put in your living room”? Is it a small TV “Now, from Apple, a 27″ iTelevision that fits nicely on your desk”? Is it all of the above “Now, from Apple, in 7 different sizes, with 11 configurable options, the iMacTV. We cook it your way”?
You know what it is? Frankenstein. Confusing. To throw in some industry jargon – it’s what we’d call a “hodge-podge”. Hard to explain. How many other products that Apple ships are described like this? None. It’s the antithesis of an Apple product. It’s something a PC company might do, certainly, but not Apple.
I still believe that iTelevision is coming. I think we’ll, at the very least, learn a lot about it in 2012. But there’s no weird “mashup” device coming.
They don’t ship iHodgePodge, not at 27″, 32″, or 55″.