RSS is what we’ve all been looking for. Really Simple Sindication or Rich Site Summary, is great! but what the heck does it do?
RSS is a faster, easier, way to check your favorite websites for updates. If you were looking for a “free bookshelf” on craigslist, on way to search is the old method would be to keep checking back every day to see if anyone has posted a listing with those key words. Or you may just set up an RSS feed, and as soon as that free bookshelf listing pops up, you get notified via your RSS reader, which can double as your email client.
RSS isn’t new, it’s just a difficult concept to grasp for those who only have one email address, and don’t know the speed of their computer’s GPU. It’s ok.
Yahoo has made it easier, so I hear, to snatch your RSS feeds. Yahoo email users will notice a new folder dedicated to RSS. As you can see, I wasn’t part of the elite few who were able to test this new feature out. But keep on the look, this is the next big thing.
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