In my childhood there was a song we’d sing every time we formed a ‘single file line’. “First the worst, second the best, and third the one with the hairiest chest! It was mostly sung by me, and only when I was second in line. Being first in line had an importance to it, a special place next to the teacher.
Google and I share so many things in common don’t we? Google wasn’t first in internet search, but they are definitely the best. Mapquest and Yahoo! Maps have been around for ages, and only 4 months ago Google joined in the online mapping world. If you haven’t used maps.google.com, then go there now and map something! Google has done it again, they’re the best. Different websites are incorporating their information into Google maps and creating quite a stir. Websites plot apartments for rent, crime locations, sex offender’s residencies, gas stations with the cheapest gas, and many other map-able entities. I can’t wait till can see this incorporation heading towards the online dating/matchmaking industry real soon.