FAB (Foundation for Accuracy in Blogs) has conducted a precise survey about the real numbers of blogs and bloggers on the net today. I read this article and realized that one had to read in between the lines on this one. At first one would think that this organization, FAB, didn’t know their math or have a rough idea of the global population. In fact FAB is so advanced that most readers fail to see that they are not limiting this report to humans or the planet earth. There are planets far far away in galaxies far far away blogging far far away.
How else could you explain the fact that there are 32 Billion blogs to date? Their numbers show that the average blogger holds 3 blogs. I don’t know very many humans with 3 blogs so that means extraterrestrial life forms are keeping roughly 6 blogs each! Boy, are us humans behind on the blogging scheme of things. 27% of the current bloggers blog each day, and 82% of the bloggers don’t blog daily. At first glance one would think that 27% + 82% = 109% and you can’t have 109%, but I see this as 9% of the bloggers blog daily and then don’t blog daily, then jump back to blogging daily. It’s an overlap of percents that is taught as basic math in the intergalactic gradeschools.