Every now and again a gadget comes along that makes me scratch my head. The Dog LED Tail Light is such a gadget.
This device attaches to the tip of a dog’s (A POOR ABUSED DOG’S) tail and can be programmed to read out a message when the dog wags his tail because he’s pleased to see his owner. Yes, because any animal would be downright thrilled to have a blinky tail.
My only question is does this product come with drugs? I’m not sure how else the dog would climb out of the abyss of humiliation and despair he would find himself in once he understands what his owner has strapped to him THIS time.
Who decided this was a good idea? Was someone sitting around in an office just going, you know what, it’s really not embarrassing enough for the dog (and everyone else) to dress him up in people clothes. We need something more!
My favorite part of the article on the topic is the line that says “clearly some technophile dog owner noticed the gaping void that remains in the growing dog electronics market…” News Flash: SOMETIMES THERE ARE GAPING VOIDS FOR A REASON.
You don’t see people investigating the ‘how about if we make gum taste like dirt, nobody has done that before’ market. Technically, that’s a gaping void right there. Oh there are plenty of others. There’s the ‘how about leg warmers for snakes nobody’s done that before either’ market. Clearly that one’s ridiculous though, because as we all know, leg warmers went out of style after the 80s. My point is, some markets are better left untapped.
The only way it would ever be ok with me to place this device on a dog, would be if the dog got to program the message on it. I bet he wouldn’t pick “I missed you”. I picture more “You’ve got to sleep sometime” and then he’d wag his tail like crazy.
This comes from a really great Wired story today (http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,67349,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_1). This gadget is one of many different made to “help” animals. Others include night vision goggles for mice and acorn locating devices for squirrels. Check out the pictures, they are priceless.