The news I’d like to share with you today comes from this article. It talks about Hollywood studios requesting that digital TVs be designed with anti-piracy technology in place. Ok that’s fair, they don’t want people stealing stuff. However, I take issue with their threatening response to the FCC’s comment about how they can’t dictate how televisions or other similar devices are designed. I quote: “Hollywood studios say the ruling, if upheld, would discourage them from producing first-rate shows for over-the-air TV.”
Their comment would sort of imply they were shipping out first-rate shows right now. In which case I say to Hollywood BRING IT! Let’s see the second and third rate shows. If they lack plot, humor, drama, good acting they’re still not shocking me yet.
It would have been a much better threat if Hollywood had said the following: “The ruling, if upheld, would discourage them from continuing to flood the television with non-stop images of scantily clad attractive people attempting to act or avoid being voted off the island.”
They could have gone one further, if they really wanted to get something done. Hollywood COULD have said “In place of our first-rate programming, we will begin flooding over-the-air television with a veritable deluge of scantily clad, horrendously unattractive people.”
Such a threat would have one of two effects. Either a, it would help continue the transition many people are making towards cable and satellite for entertainment or b, it would shut down pirating activities at once.
I hope someone in Congress sees the merit of my solution, seeing as the battle over anti-piracy technology is now in their hands.
Wickedly funny stuff! Even though I dont own a T.V.