There’s an old saying “two heads are better than one”. This is true when you’re taking a math test, or trying to solve a riddle, but it goes only so far. The online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, takes this old staying way further than it should have. If you’re not familiar with Wikipedia, it’s an encyclopedia where the content is created by everyone instead of a few ‘boys in the back room’.
The saying says “two heads”, not 6.5 billion heads, are better than one. Wikipedia is just finding this out now. The content quality is below par, “An encyclopedia can’t just have a small percentage of good entries and be considered a success.”
And I fully agree. My father used to tell me that encyclopedias are like chains, only as strong as the weakest link. Wikipedia has tons of links, and a lot of them seem to be rather weak. The concept is great, but I’m not encouraging my nephew to reference Wikipedia on his 3rd grade report on African Elephants, he just may be misled.
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