As I mentioned a little while ago, I’ve been trying out Zoomclouds here on the LD. I would call the results so far ‘mixed’, and based on looking at the usage statistics, it doesn’t seem like everyone out there is clamoring to use it very often. Now, this could be due to its location on the page, or the contents, or even the color scheme.
Or it could be because clouds, tags, diggs, wikis, and lots of other Web 2.0 inventions are really only designed for the ultra-Internet crowd (great thoughts on this over at I’m not interested in trackbacks (the Web 2.0 of high school yearbooks), and every link I have is to a site I actually visit on a recurring basis. But I digress.
Back to the Zoomcloud. If you look on the right, it’s a snapshot of my current cloud. Nestled right under netflix and above schneider is pornchat. Clicking on the pornchat tag takes you here, which links back to a post I made about going to 3GSM. In that post I mentioned the word pornchat once.
But now, according to some content analyzing system, it’s a tag.
And it’s apparently my most popular tag, according to the stats on Zoomcloud…
All I really want to know is what were those of you who clicked on it hoping to find (and were you then satisfied with the results)?