I don’t know about you, but the 1983 pseudo-classic WarGames was huge for me as a kid. I’ve seen it dozens of times, and still get all tense throughout. It’s been so big in tech-pop culture that the WOPR has a Wikipedia entry!
Amongst the rubble of 5 sequel announcements today (the craporama includes the following future TNT classics: Species 4, Into the Blue 2, Cutting Edge 3, and Legally Blonde 3), I noticed WarGames 2! Now this was rumored before, but this piece in Reuters seems fairly legit.
Only two words here. Mega-awesome.
That is, unless, it ends up being called WarGames 2: Joshua vs HAL9000
Truthfully, if they have a cameo by either HAL or the monkey from Project X, I’m totally there.
Cool, great to know there is a fanbase of the original out there.
I’m actually going to be auditioning for this sucker on tuesday for the part of Dennis ( Will/lead’s best friend ).
Would be a great project to part-take in. Let’s see where this goes.