I’ve been a Verizon customer since they were GE Wireless in the late 90s. They have the best service and network as far as I can tell. I wish there were better CDMA phones out there, and I think they price gouge out the wazoo (sp?). But my plan allows my wife and I to make calls into Canada as well as make/receive calls while there with no additional fees. Also, a lot of my friends are VZ customers, so all our calls to each other are free. Fits my lifestyle just dandy, and frankly I’m not really trying to sell ya on them.
Every now and then a brand you know/trust/like does something that one might call… hmm, what’s the word for it… appalling?
Verizon is in the midst of launching a new program that basically lets them illegally sell ads on your mobile phone. Yes, one more time, it’s illegal (well, kinda, but doesn’t that just jump out at you when I put it that way?), and it’s on your phone. Now you might think this would be part of some new service that you have to sign up for or something. It’s not. And worse, you opt-in by default, and have to call them (1-800-333-9956) to opt-out. If you are a Verizon customer, take a pause and make the call – it’s all automated and takes about 45 seconds.
To call this vexing is a bit of an understatement. I recommend reading more here on how you can contact the FCC to complain yourself. Also (thanks to gethuman.com) here’s their customer service number: 1-800-922-0204.
That’s ridiculous! I hate companies who try to squeeze even more profits on the backs of paying subscribers. As a subscriber, I should get what I’m paying for — no more, no less. What’s more, if a provider wants to add something that’s not in the contract, that earns them extra money, I should get a discount on the service.
You have performed a signal public service, thank you