There comes a time in a grown man’s life when he realizes that it’s time to throw away the 8-track player and move on to something a bit more up to date. That time has come for most adults if we’re talking phone lines. Mobile phones seem to be the way to go (duh). As a young adult, I ditched my landline in the year 2000. IM’s, emails, and night/weekend minutes were the only means of communication I needed. Fast-forward 5 years and it’s only gotten easier to rely on just one phone. With $50.00/month, with any carrier, you are going to have enough minutes to do all of your necessary calling. If you have a significant other that like to chat all the time, unlimited in-network calling is you way to go. It’s not rocket science that land lines are becoming obsolete. Heck I’d cancel mine if the DSL didn’t need it.