I have been following John Battelle’s blog Searchblog for almost a year now. He helped start the Industry Standard and definitly knows what’s going on in the world of search engines. Long story short, the blog is a great resource. But that’s not what turned me into a loyal reader of his blog.
What really did it for me was the fact that he gave updates on the book that he has been researching and writing the last couple years. Every now and then he would even ask for advice from his readers, or suggestions on a possible chapter title.
I feel like I have been a part of the process for this book to come into fruition. It has been out now for less than a month and I think it’s been accepted well into the wide world of reading on paper (something I gave up long ago).
If there is an interesting story to be told about the IT world of the last four years I think it lies in Search Engines. So this should be an interesting read.
An excerpt from Battelle’s book is in this month’s Wired magazine (right here). Check it out!