Today Nokia launched their first non-phone product. The Internet Tablet has absolutely no cell phone capabilities. What it can do, however, is surf the Internet and let you perform basic Web functions like check your email.
You:But I can do that with a mobile phone.
Nokia Salesman: True but the new 770 Internet Tablet will let you surf the Web cheaper and quicker than your clunky Nokia phone and now for the low-low price of $350 you can get one of these Wi-Fi friendly Internet Portals for your very own to cut down on that expensive Internet cell phone bill.
Ever notice how long winded salesman are?
The new Internet Tablet is perfect for a home that has one computer, but several people fighting over who gets to use the Internet. It’s the new modern dilemma. In the old day’s brother and sister fought over the bathroom, now it’s who gets to stream movies. But with the Nokia Internet Tablet the younger (weaker) sibling doesn’t get a Charlie horse, just a smaller screen.