In most movies I’ve watched, the undercover ‘good guy’ gets unveiled by ripping his shirt open to reveal the wire. He’s been bugged! Those ‘good guys’ are usually smooth enough to slip out of any sticky situation the silver screen throws their way.
Us normal spies aren’t always so lucky. We need fool proof plans that will work 100% of the time without a chance of getting caught. When the evil druglord rips my shirt open, I want him to see scrawny muscles and a couple of unwanted pounds around the love handles. This special agent is going wireless bug style.
It’s all possible with the Meganet VME Spy phone XP* (no relation to Windows XP). The phone looks, acts, feels, and functions just as your normal Siemens or Nokia mobile phone. The added feature is when HQ calls me and enters in a special code. The phone doesn’t ring, vibrate, or light up when the secret digits are entered in after the phone number. The phone simply turns into a listening device for the backup to hear.
“So let me get this straight, you set up the hit on both of the bosses. Then made it look like they killed each other?”
“That’s right kid, but you didn’t hear it from me!”
“Oh yes I did, and so did the FBI thanks to my Meganet VME Spy Phone XP! You’re going down!!”
*I hope that the phone doesn’t have the actual name written on the external case, that’d be a pretty easy give-away.