I live in San Francisco. There is no free parking here what so ever. Either you own a spot, rent a spot, or feed the meter. I find that between the Laundromat and the parking meters I’m always changing dollar bills for quarters. Sometimes I have to park in a vacant meter, run to a liquor store to buy a snack or soda, and ask for quarters. I fear that I could get caught one day parking in an expired meter. If only I could pay for the meter with something besides my laundry money. In Coral Gables, a Miami suburb, 4,573 parking meters allow you to pay with something other than quarters. You can pay for your parking meter by making a phone call. This isn’t new technology. Canada has been paying for parking via mobile phone for a bit now. But then again, it seems like every country starts out with the cool technology and it slowly comes to us in the states.