Short post, just wanted to draw attention to the fact that we’ve put up a “how to pitch us” page. Why, you may ask? Well, first of all, we get a lot of pitches, and frankly, many of them have nothing to do with what we blog about. Enterprise pitches. TV shows. Viraga (and viarga and even v i a g a r a). You get the drift. So I wanted to help add some focus.
Secondly, I believe it’s the “right thing” for bloggers to do. I put up a post on my marketing blog implying as such. It’s not really fair for me to just say “here’s my email” if I don’t tell you what I want to know about.
Lastly, if you’re noticing I wrote “We” above, well, there’s a few new folks joining the team to help write more reviews. I’ve become a little too entrenched into too many different people/organizations to be able to effectively write reviews much anymore. Either I know the person/company behind the device or the PR firm (or both), and I feel way too conflicted way too often. So expect to see some fresh blood showing up in the next few days!