Yep, so the proliferation of iPod-based businesses continue, and with the video ‘pod, the portable video player content creation market will likely start getting interesting (I know, Creative and Archos got there first, but when Apple arrived the market got a big time playa).
Enter, which, currently in beta, does exactly what the name implies. The site lets visitors search for interesting profiles, download the vids to their ‘pod and play away. Don’t leech, either; reciprocate with a vid of your own, damnit!
Yeah, we all know that text ads are sooooo 19th century and online dating sites with mere photos are über prosaic (that’s right, Besides an opportunity to really show your personality and dynamically describe yourself, blah blah blah, video gives us the opportunity to do what everyone else does when looking at images on dating sites: be superficial (give us a pic, for crying out loud!).
I do feel sorry for Adrian, the bleach-blond Chicago real estate professional whose short vid plays from the main PodDater page. Not only does she enjoy revolutionary activities like shopping, eating out and walking along lake Michigan, but she also happens to be one of only 16 females on the site at the time of this post. After clicking through some 20 or so profiles, ones with actual videos seemed to be a bit rare [Note: this does include guys]. Mmmmm…beta.
Get busy seducing that 4.6 percent, guys. Positive thing: if you’re searching for a lady and find one with a video, she theoretically either knows how to shoot and edit it herself, or is savvy enough to find someone to help her do it. Props in my book.