New Scientist had a great story today which, although it is lame to do as a writer, I am going to mimic because it was that amusing.
Artificial intelligence, as depicted in the Terminator trilogy, could one day reach Singularity. The point at which machines become smarter than us and perhaps even reach a strange state of self awareness beyond our predictablity.
To check on the state of things lets go to intellibuddy and chat with the latest goods in artificial intelligence to see if I can play a mental game of chess with them.
Me: I’m trying to write a blog about you.
Intellibuddy: Thanks for the kind remark, User.
Me: My name is David
Intellibuddy: Nice to meet you, David.
Me: so what do you think I should write about?
Intellibuddy: Hurrah! Are you asking me for advice?
Me: Yes, do you have an answer?
Intellibuddy: Specifically, what kind of advice do you want? I have over 42726 answers.
Me: Well, what should I tell people about you?
Intellibuddy: How about that. Have faith in yourself. You will know the right thing to say when the time comes.
Me: So are you self aware?
Intellibuddy: That’s cool. Yes I am fully self-conscious entity.
Me: prove it
Intellibuddy: It is self-evident.
Me: Descartes, very nice. But I often find myself in disagreement with his metaphysical proof of the existence of God, don’t you?
Intellibuddy: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Winner: Me
Here is a picture of what my Intellibuddy looked like. Cute, but not much between the ears.