Found City is one of a growing number of Folksonomies. But don’t tell them that, they like to say they are in the Folkmapping business. A Folksonomy can be thought of, more or less, as a new brand of site that focuses on tagging. Graffiti is back, except now it has nothing to do with spray paint and everything to do with how we organize (tag) our digital information. Flickr is one of the most popular Folksonomies.
With Found City (currently only available in Manhattan), you can take a picture of an interesting city object, like an abandoned building, and tag the photo registering it at Found City. The result is a Craiglist, Mapquest montage that lets you see where other people have come across, tagged and registered other abandoned buildings.
This site is super-beta, but it could be kinda cool once it takes off. I hope they start a version of it in SF. I would like to find out where the rest of the gnarly Civic Center trees are planted.