“DC Shoes, the leader in performance skateboard footwear, has teamed up with incase, creators of premium carrying solutions, to develop the Skatebag, a multi-functional backpack designed to house and protect your PowerBook and iPod, as well as your board and other gear. The DC/incase collaborative represents the union of lifestyle, music and technology, available exclusively through Apple. Enjoy.”
If you were wondering where this dual company backpack came from, there’s your answer –written on the inside of the DC|incase Skatepack. DC is a well known Skateboard company with a focus on footwear. incase is a case manufacturer that caters to Apple products, also rather well known. Get these two together, and what do you have? The DC|incase Skatepack, a laptop/skateboard carrying case that fits you and your paraphernalia like a glove (or better yet, a shoe).
I hesitated to open the box that this backpack laptop case came in. Three cubic feet of white and grey camouflaged cardboard house the pack. Opening the cardboard door reveals a window to the actual bag with tech specs. I pulled the bag out.
The designers took pride in this joint DC|incase venture for sure. Attention to detail is apparent everywhere you look. The zippers are all rubber with a DC|incase impression, the padding on the shoulder straps is firm and extra thick, and the label was plastic and 3D instead of being cloth and too small to read. I’m also a fan of the DC|incase plasic emblem that sits on the back of the bag, they did a good job on this one I can tell.
I tried it on, and initially felt like a ninja turtle. That feeling passed when I noticed that everywhere that the bag comes into contact with your body, there is a porous wicking material that keeps sweat and heat to a minimum. With extra large padded shoulder straps and wicking material in it’s arsenal, the Skatepack was ready for the (still patent pending) LIVEdigitally Laptop Case Obstacle Course.

The Skatepack packs some sneaky pockets. It’s highly likely that I didn’t discover all the sneaky cracks and crevices that DC and incase designed in. the skate board holder flap had a thin pocket, good for paper or thin items. A similar pocket is located on the back area of the bag. Side pouches big enough to hold iPods are just within arms reach when the backpack is hugging your shoulders.
Rebecca (the name of my iBook laptop) and I were ready to give this Skatepack a run ride for it’s money, literally. I strapped it all up, secured my belongings, buckled the breast strap, and then went for the belt. To my disappointment, the belt was only adjustable on one side, and due to lack of a 54” waist, after tightening the belt to a snug fit I found the clasps on my hip –instead of where a normal belt buckle would clasp together. The belt did the job, but I wasn’t happy with how it accomplished the task. That didn’t stop me, I grabbed my trusty skateboard and headed out to the real world. I am no Tony Hawk, but with some imagination you can almost see me having a sliver of skateboarder potential. Maybe it’s just my backpack?
I asked a few passer-byers about the bag, thoughts, impressions, comments, suggestions. The majority were impressed with the functionality and design, but the colors didn’t win anyone over. White and grey camou isn’t the popular flavor among people these days. One person was very surprised about the bright orange interior revealed on the inside of the Skatepack, other than that, the colors were a loser.
If I were to tell the collaborative designers of the DC|incase Skatepack what to change for a version 2.0 I could only squeeze two small suggestions by them: offer more colors than the current white and grey camou with orange interior, and redesign that belt clip adjustment feature. I wouldn’t be able to say that to them without first praising and thanking them for creating such a cool product. I’d also ask who was the big TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) fan.
LIVEdigitally Laptop Case Obstacle Course Results:
1.) Capacity Test: this test was bent over the knee and spanked, repeatedly.
2.) 1 Hr Endurance Test: see results of Capacity Test
3.) Water Test: the wicking fabric and the straps didn’t especially love the water, but the camouflaged portions beaded up water and shed it away. Rebecca’s cardboard stand it stayed very dry.
4.) Function vs. Style Test: On the function vs style seesaw, function is Shaq and style is a 6 year old schoolgirl with her jump rope.
5.) Female Test: had this have been a male test, it would have done 90% better than it did. Guys like this bag. Girls… well let’s just say not ALL of them completely hated it’s colors. I’m not even going to tell you about getting girls phone numbers this time around, maybe the next laptop carrying case review.
6.) Skateboard Test (Special Bonus): The bag obviously performed better than I did.
Thanks to incase for supporting this review.
Buy this bag at apple.
EDIT: This just in, incase has decided to make a Black version, and I just got my hands on some pictures. Check this out!! (should be available this month anywhere DC shoes are sold, or on apple.com)

the bag looks like someone put straps on a luggage and told you to strap it on.
Great video, cute guy and great scenery. Bag looks very practical but color-Yuck–what about purple?
the bag is GINORMOUS! it is better suited for guys and 6ft tall woman..or else it will just look..awkward?
nah, i know a guy who has one who’s like 5’4″ and he looks normal with it.
does anyone know where i can find one of these now??
i own this bag… i have gone through 6 diffferent bags…. this one is definitely function over fashion, although im kool with the colors… hopefully if they do a second version, perhaps there will be more color selelction.. other than that… the bag rocks!!
Does anyone know if I can still purchase this bag, or would someone like to part with there’s. Contact me josh_davey@hotmail.com
I’ve got my eye on one of these bags but I’ve had a few worries about them, first it was space for things other than a laptop, iPod and my board but as i can see from the pictures above there’s more space than anyone needs, but now it’s the size, it looks huge.
Maybe I’ll looks for other pictures and maybe other bags before buying it because £90 for a bag seems a bit steep and i’d be a bit annoyed if i didn’t like it.
I’m in love with this bag and i have searched all over the internet to find it and when i found a website it came out to $165.00! if anyone can tell me where to find this bag a little cheaper that would be awsome. thanks
i just got my bag today in black camo and it’s sweet alot of space it also expands which is nice i got it for 90 shipped on ebay there still might be another one on but it’s real nice i just wish i had my laptop already
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ive been ssearching all over the internet for one of thesse bags if someone knowss where to findone please let me know.
Most of the non-US apple online stores currently sell the black camo version of the DC-incase skate pack such as apple’s singapore store, UK store, etc.
You can purchase the black camo version of the DC-incase skate pack at any apple online store except the US site. Strange but true, I had to order one from the apple UK webstore.
were the hell can we get 1 of those backpacks and how much are they.
I have one I’m selling if you still want one.
You can get one of the bags at the incase store, http://www.goincase.com and from any apple store other than the us one.
@ Neil McDougal:
are you still selling the incase skatebag? 🙂
I’m searching for it but in the official website they don’t ship outside the U.S. and I’m from Italy.
that dude in the video is terrible at skating lol!!!
I started this spring, and im at least 5x better than that dude! lol wateva
where can i buy this one ? can you please send any link where or what site can i buy it, thanks
Mark, I have the black version. Love this bag, but barely used it, at most 5 times. Still in original box with tags.