Sorry I couldn’t pull off the perfect alliteration above, I couldn’t find a t-word for “movie” other than “talkie” and that just didn’t flow so well. Sigh.

go ahead, try it at home.
But in good news, I’m going to contribute a column to Crave, which I’m pretty excited about. First, I like the blog already. Second, it’s a place where a little bit of irreverence is a-okay. I could preach on about how desperately the tech blogging scene needs a lot less bandwagon-jumping and a lot more (1) looking at itself less seriously (2) less groupthink (3) more counterpoints and debate, but well, point made.
My first post at Crave is now live, it’s the “Top 10 tech tricks we’re sick of seeing in movies“. Here’s one of my favorites to get you started:
7. Beep! Blort! BING!
You can tell characters are using computers in film because of all the beeping, whining, and whirring noises coming from their devices. From the bird-like chirping of “Star Trek” communicators to the squawking of Ziggy, the handheld computer from “Quantum Leap,” there always seems to be some kind of racket when technology comes onscreen.
If these gadgets were real, those bleep and bloops would drive any user crazy. We get that the characters are using technology. Enough with the bells and whistles.
You can read the rest over at Crave!