I’ll be back in New York City next week (uh oh), going out for drinks with the rest of Team Bug Labs. If you are interested in hearing more about what the company is up to, or meeting some fine folks, please come on by. Details:
August 14th at Punch Restaurant (upstairs) in Manhattan for an open bar from 6-8pm.
As I alluded in my BugBlogger post, one of our goals is to have a very inclusive, open marketing approach. The more I look at the power of the community when it comes to the future of consumer electronics, the more I want us engaged with the community. Even if this is at the expense of “traditional” marketing activities (which are by and large out the window these days anyway).
I’m currently reading Mavericks at Work by William C Taylor and Polly LaBarre, and learning about TopCoder and other collaborative group efforts is truly inspiring. I highly recommend the book (amazon) or blog. When I think about Bug I think about the concept of “community electronics”. Then I start to think about blogging and RSS and other group efforts. They grew because of the community, and because anyone who wanted to participate was welcome to do so.
This is the same spiritual goal that we have at Bug Labs. Hope you can come join us next week in NY. We’ll be doing other inclusive activities and outreach across the country (and eventually beyond) in the coming weeks and months. If you’d like to see us somewhere “off the beaten path” please get in touch!
Oh, and yes, that did say open bar!