I’ve had fantasies about being able to blog from wherever I am. Blog from the bus, blog from the dentist office waiting room, and even blog at grandma’s house (where you know there is no internet much less a computer). So what, laptops have been around since I was in diapers, blog from a laptop at any of these locations you say? No sir, blog from your phone I say!
Customers of 3 (the UK’s first mobile blogging network provider) has got it right, and I’m jealous. Blog from your phone, upload pics and videos to your blog all simply by mobile phone. My blog would be updated 78,978,907.6 times a day if I had the capability of blogging and posting pics/vids all from my phone. Entry example 1: “look at how good I parked my car!” entry example 2: “hey she’s cute, what do you think?” entry example 3: “do I have anything in my teeth?”. I imagine getting those three posts published in a span of 7 minutes or so.
I say this needs to come to America sooner than later. Or maybe I should just move to the UK.
You might look at this modification to WordPress’s wp-mail.php file.