WiFi antenna have always been a bit of a home brew affair. First there was the cantenna, which was made from a Pringle’s can. This got one upped by the coffee can antenna. Over the summer, Popular Science published plans for a parabolic antenna.
Now the folks are getting serious. Engadget is showing the plans for an antenna made from a mini satellite dish. There are material lists, and photos of each step. This thing is quite strong. We’re talking 18 networks at once, from up to 8 miles away! Remind me to turn on the WEP on my router.
Good job on that dish antenna! For more long range antennas, havea look at my construction guides at:
For popular USB wireless adapters there are also external antenna mods that work great. You can get much better performance with simple mods (generally no need for amplifiers).
Phil AB9IL