Politics in Iran make me love being in America. I get a few emails a week making fun of President Bush or decisions that the government has recently made. I’m not saying that I support or back these jokes. I do however, appreciate the fact that I can receive these and not get prosecuted. Sometimes I forget that people died in order for us to be able to joke.
Iran is on a different level than us here in the US. They are now facing problems due to text messaging. Some people have even lost the ability to text message. Iran threatens to prosecute anyone who sends a text message that denigrates a candidate. There are only 6 million mobile phones in Iran, and 67 million people, but Iranian government officials believe that text messaging may sway the votes (which makes me wonder why they are even voting if it’s like that?). I now want to take advantage of text messaging and use up those 300 text messages I pay for each month, because I can.