What can I say, other than I’ve been traveling like a maniac and it’s kept me a little (or should I say a lot) vacant from writing. The good thing is, I’ve got a lot of content geared up to go… the bad thing is, I’m still not done with any of it. But, coming soon…
- Review of Syntax Olevia LT32HVM 32″ LCD TV (for $699 I love it, for $1299, I’m not so sure)
- Thoughts on EA’s new The Godfather and Battle for Middle Earth 2 (yes, I’m playing some games!)
- My opinions on why Blackberry must innovate fast or die (hint: it’s called Windows Mobile 5.0)
- Some ramblings on Sony not only losing their edge, but firmly en route to establishing themselves as the world’s least innovative brand (maybe they should move to Milpitas?)
- A trip report from Taiwan
- More reviews of some of the latest products to feature NXT‘s amazing flat-sound technology
By the way, Ultraviolet is unquestionably the worst movie I’ve seen since Doom (yes I saw it, and as a result no longer read aint-it-cool-news for movie opinions, just pure gossip). A coworker gave me a copy, I thought it could be fun. Awful.
More to come, I promise!